Top 10 udendørsaktiviteter at prøve i Normandiet
Som en af de mest besøgte regioner i Frankrig er Normandiet berømt for sine smukke og lange strande, for sit skovklædte landskab (kaldet bocage Normand på fransk), men også for sine rige historie. Det er kun 2 timers kørsel fra Paris, hvilket gør det til det perfekte tilflugtssted for parisere. Selvom Normandiet ikke er den første udendørs destination i Frankrig, vil du finde mange unikke og sjove aktiviteter der.
Fra at beundre det berømte Mont Saint-Michel og det imponerende tidevand, mens man sejler på land, til at gå paragliding over den historiske Omaha Beach – du kan finde aktiviteter for alle i Normandiet.
Så hvis du ønsker at pifte dit ophold i Normandiet op, er her vores liste over de 10 bedste udendørsaktiviteter, du kan prøve i Normandiet.
#1:Landsejlads på Mont-Saint-Michel-bugten
Mont Saint-Michel er stedet at besøge, mens du er i Normandiet. Bygget på en klippeø og omgivet af en enorm bugt, består dette sted hovedsageligt af Mont Saint-Michel Abbey og dets afhængigheder. Der er kun 30 faste indbyggere!
Mont Saint-Michel er også hvor du kan se de største tidevand i hele Europa. Du vil se en 15-meters tidevandsrækkevidde, der er forskellen mellem højvande og lavvande. På grund af det fænomen bliver Mont Saint-Michel to gange om dagen en ø med vand rundt omkring. Her finder du alt, hvad du behøver at vide om Mont Saint-Michel og også de bedste tidspunkter til at observere tidevandets fænomen. Vær forsigtig, når du vandrer på bugten med lavvande!
Udover at have en smuk udsigt over Mont Saint-Michel Island og Cancale (en lille landsby kendt for sine østers), tilbyder bugten dig en ideel legeplads til mange udendørs aktiviteter . Den mest populære er landsejlads, også kaldet sand yachting. Øvet på de lange sandstrande vil du køre en 3-hjulet motor, drevet af en vinge. At lære at køre et sejl på land er en nem opgave, selv uden forudgående erfaring. På en afmærket sti vil du være i stand til at opdage Normandiets strande med en hastighed på op til 50 km/t.
I løbet af aktiviteten vil din guide lære dig alt, hvad der er at vide om sejl på land og besvare eventuelle yderligere spørgsmål. For 20 € per person er Sand-yachting i Mont Saint-Michel fantastisk at prøve med familie eller venner! Børn fra 12 år og opefter kan køre deres egne sejl på land, men de yngre skal være i følge med en voksen.
#2:Bungee Jumping fra Souleuvre Viaduct
Lad os tage til Normandiets landskab i Calvados for nummer 2 på vores liste over udendørsaktiviteter i Normandiet. Souleuvre-viadukten er en nedlagt jernbane, der ligger 60 meter over Souleuvre-floden. Det er det perfekte sted at prøve bungeejump i Normandiet-regionen. Siden 1990 har en ophængt gangbro givet adgang til en bungee jumping platform placeret på en af broens søjler.
3, 2, 1… Hvert år kommer 8.000 mennesker fra hele verden for at prøve denne unikke oplevelse. Når du hopper, bliver du fastgjort fra dine ankler, men også fra din talje – for maksimal sikkerhed. Med floden nedenfor kan du bede om at justere længden, så du kommer til at røre vandet med hænderne eller endda være nedsænket indtil din talje. Når du har hoppet, bliver du samlet op og løsnet i bunden af dalen.
Inden du booker bungee jumping ved Souleuvre Viaduct, skal du sørge for at tage et kig på forudsætningerne og kontraindikationerne. Dette spring fra Souleuvre Viaduct vil koste dig €99.
Hvis denne aktivitet er lidt for meget adrenalin for dig, er der andre udendørsaktiviteter at prøve, såsom den gigantiske zipline eller den gigantiske gynge til et pendulspring. De er bestemt mere støjsvage end et bungeejump, men stadig fulde af eventyr!
#3:Katamaransejlads ved Omaha Beach
Omaha beach er en af de 5 landingsstrande fra juni 1944. Det er uden tvivl den mest berømte. Der vil du finde amerikanske kirkegårde, D-Day Museum og Memorial Museum. Vi foreslår, at du kombinerer disse besøg med en udendørs aktivitet:katamaransejlads. Når du sejler med katamaran i Omaha Beach, vil du opdage den historiske Norman-strand fra vandet.
Startende fra Colleville-sur-Mer vil dine guider fortælle dig alt om teknikken og sikkerhedstricks, du skal vide. I modsætning til traditionelle monoskrog-sejlbåde har katamaraner 2 skrog, der begge er parallelle med hinanden. Disse teknikaliteter er de faktorer, der får katamaranen til at gå hurtigere – da skrogene mindsker vandmodstanden og øger stabiliteten.
I løbet af 2 hele timer, og for €30 pr. person, vil du trodse vinden og bølgerne med familie og/eller venner. Når du kommer ud af denne oplevelse, vil du vide alt, hvad der er at vide om at sejle en katamaran på denne mytiske landingsstrand.
#4:Paragliding ved Omaha Beach
Let’s continue our list of the 10 outdoor activities in Normandy, with another one on Omaha Beach. As you’ve read before, this beach is very popular and offers incredible views of the English Channel. So why not discover these places from above? Accompanied by your guide, all you will have to do is take some energetic steps towards the cliff, then sit back on your seat and enjoy the view.
On the tandem paragliding flight from Omaha Beach, you will have a short briefing session and will be able to choose between 4 different flights based on your experience. Get ready to go on an adventure you will never forget!
Depending on the weather, you will either take off from Omaha Beach, Vierville sur Mer, Commes, or Tracy sur Mer. But all these places offer beautiful landscapes of the landing beaches.
If you feel comfortable enough, and the weather is good, your guide might just let you fly the paraglide! This whole activity will cost from €70 and up.
#5:Horseback Riding in Normandy
Now, another fun way to discover Normandy’s territory is with the help of horses. From stables located in the regional park of the Boucles de la Seine Normande, you can go on a horseback riding excursion near Rouen, Le Havre, and more. For 4 hours, you will learn the basics of horse riding and will discover the Norman paths along the Seine.
From €40, anyone can ride these horses, which makes this activity perfect to try with family or friends. During the horseback riding tours in Normandy, you will meet your instructor at the stables, be introduced to your horse, and learn about their equipment and how to put them on. Then, you will groom them and get ready for your 90 minutes (minimum) ride in the heart of the forest – where you will learn how to walk and trot with the horses.
But for those of you who are fond of horses, you can try our different horseback riding activities in Normandy and go on rides for up to 5 days!
#6:Microlight Flight in Etretat near Deauville
The Normandy coast is known for its impressive chalk cliffs which are stunningly vertical, especially those of Etretat. The most classic way to discover this unique landscape is to go for a walk by the sea or on the paths overlooking the English Channel.
But we suggest you discover the cliffs of Etretat and the beaches of the region, from above, while on a pendulum microlight flight. But what is a microlight? Good question! A microlight is an ultralight aircraft equipped with an engine. It is in fact a motorized hang glider.
The departure to fly over the cliffs of Etretat by microlight is from the airport of Le Havre-Octeville. You can choose between four different flights:
- Discovery flight:during 12 minutes you will fly over the ocean and the coast towards Cauville or over the beach of Le Havre
- 20 minutes flight:you will fly along the famous Alabaster coast to the port of Antifer while enjoying the sun setting on the cliffs
- 25-30 minutes flight:either you can fly over the Normandy coast until the vertical of the Phare de la Poterie, or you can fly over the Pont de Normandie
- Flight to Etretat-Yport:during 45-50 minutes, you will fly first to Etretat where you will find its majestic cliffs and then discover the windmills of Fécamp.
No matter which itinerary you choose and from €99, a microlight flight is always an unforgettable experience, especially if you fly over the beautiful beaches and impressive cliffs of Normandy.
#7 :Sea Kayaking tour in Trouville
Let’s stay close to the beautiful Normandy cliffs. Another unique way to discover the beautiful Normandy coast is by kayak. From the sea, you will be able to see the cliffs from below, which makes them seem even more impressive!
Sea kayaking along the cliffs of Normandy, starting from the seaside resort of Trouville, is an activity accessible to all. The only prerequisite is that participants should know how to swim at least 25 meters without assistance. This must be confirmed by a certificate. For about two hours, you will paddle by the majestic cliffs and pass by the most beautiful beaches of Normandy. This activity is ideal for families and friends.
Children under 15 years must be accompanied by an adult and children under 18 years need parental permission. This unique and fun adventure costs from €20 per person and children under 9 years old can participate for free.
#8 Via Ferrata in Clécy
Clécy is the perfect spot to try a Via Ferrata due to its environment. This is why the Via Ferrata near Clécy is one of the Top 10 Via Ferratas in France. This activity is a mix of hiking and climbing and is done on a route built on the cliffs overhanging Clécy. The Via Ferrata is equipped with cables, zip lines, ladders, and ramps to facilitate the progression throughout the course.
The Via Ferrata of Clécy is ideal to do with family and friends. Its course, 250 meters long and 70 meters high, follows the cliffs along the Orne river. Your efforts will be rewarded with a breathtaking view of the region and the Orne viaduct. For your adventure on the Via Ferrata of Clécy, you can either be supervised by a qualified instructor or cross the course in an autonomous way with a small training of the safety techniques before you go.
In both cases and from €17 and up, you will have a good time during which you will face a succession of monkey bridges, footbridges, and beams along the cliff. Fun fact:during the summer you can finish the Via Ferrata with a giant zipline!
#9:Skydiving near Etretat
If a view of the famous Normandy cliffs from the air in a microlight (see activity #6) doesn’t seem spectacular enough, we have a solution. How about a view of the area from over 3000 meters, does that seem high enough? Perfect then, get ready for an unforgettable tandem skydive over the Normandy coast!
From €335, you will leave from le Havre-Octeville airport, where you will receive a video briefing and a rehearsal of the jump on the ground before boarding the plane. Then, you will take off and see a magnificent view of the beaches of Deauville, Trouville, Honfleur, as well as the cliffs of Etretat. Once you have reached the height of 3300 meters, you can start the free fall at a speed of 200 km/h.
Your instructor takes care of everything, you just have to enjoy the adrenaline rush and the view! After 35 to 40 seconds, at about 1500 meters above ground, the instructor will deploy the parachute and for around 5 minutes, you will be able to admire the superb landscapes:from land to sea. This is also the moment to realize the adrenaline-filled experience you just had!
#10:Fat biking at Omaha Beach
Fat biking is definitely worthy of being on our list of the 10 outdoor activities in Normandy, especially since it is also located on Omaha Beach. It is a bike made for riding on unstable roads like sand, snow, and mud. The only difference with a classic bike is that the tires are bigger – which allows you to move easier. You can ride a Fat bike no matter the weather!
From €20 per person, thanks to the Fatbike excursion on Omaha Beach, you will be able to ride on the sand of the Normandy landing beaches for an educational and fun outing. With your family or friends, you can either do a 1h30 session without guidance or a tour ride on an electric Fatbike to discover the secrets of the Second World War.
Living unique adventures and creating new memories is the best way to discover a region. By now you should have enough ideas for your stay in Normandy! And if none of the 10 ideas above has made you want to try them, rest assured, Normandy has plenty of other activities to offer. We invite you to consult all our activities in Normandy.
And why not discover the French capital by trying out unforgettable activities? Find more inspiration in our article on the top 12 extreme activities to do in Paris.
[Top 10 udendørsaktiviteter at prøve i Normandiet: ]